Sanjana Sanghi is a much-talked about star lately for her upcoming movie Om. The actor has been promoting her latest movie around the city while giving us all major fashion inspiration at the same time. Recently, Sanjana Sanghi stole all attention in a corset mini dress from Appapop. The beige mini dress had three quarter sleeves with ruffle detailing and a collared neckline, but what added oomph to it was the leather corset detail in brown at the waistline with tie-knot strings in the front. The actor opted for nude makeup with intense eyes, shimmering eyelids and glossy brown lip colour. The actor left her silky mane loose and opted for black strappy heels as the only accessory.
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Sanjana Sanghi recently opted for an all-black outfit for the promotions of her upcoming movie Om and looked a total stunner. The actor chose a full-sleeved crop top which had a plunging neckline top and teamed it with a pair of straight fit pants. Sanjana accentuated her outfit with a statement gold necklace which added a stylish edge to the monotone look. The actor opted for winged eyeliner, dewy makeup and glossy lip tint. All-black outfits are trending in Bollywood. Rakul Preet Singh, Tara Sutaria, Mouni Roy have been seen wearing some classic black pieces.
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Sanjana Sanghi opted for a silver mini dress with floral detail for the launch of trailer of her upcoming film Om. The halter neck metallic mini dress featured a high neckline and standout floral detailing all-over. Tying her mane in a sleek ponytail, the actor wore dewy makeup with rosy cheek tint, pink lip colour and well-contoured cheeks. For accessories, the actor kept it minimum by wearing a few rings and multi-coloured strappy heels.
We would love to see more of the fashionista's striking outfits.
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