Shanaya Kapoor recently attended the grand launch of the luxury hotel Atlantis The Royal in Palm Jumeirah, Dubai. She was accompanied by her best friend Suhana Khan. At the after-party, the duo met model and reality TV star Kendall Jenner. Their pictures from the party received much attention and went viral in no time. But today, we are here to give a special mention to Shanaya's red off-shoulder bodycon dress. The sleek midi number comes of heavy red crepe for a structured fit and smooth finish. It featured a daring off-shoulder neckline, which is lined with a diamante trim for a hint of sparkle, and is fitted throughout for a sculpted silhouette. A small pair of silver hoop earrings was the only accessory Shanaya needed. She pulled back her tresses in a sleek low-rise ponytail. To glam up, she wore sleek eyeliner, smokey eyes, contoured cheeks and muted brown lips.
Previously, Shanaya pulled off an elegant Maison Valentino silhouette in which, she looked drop-dead gorgeous. That striking cutout detailing around the torso featured embroidered microbeads and the Valentino Chain motif. The boat neckline merged elegance and glam.
Earlier this month for Kajal Anand's birthday party, Shanaya Kapoor stayed true to the classic black. Her strappy maxi dress, with a square cut neckline, accentuated her curves perfectly. Shanaya added black heels to ace the monochromatic look. The silver handbag supplied a dose of bling.
Also Read: Shanaya Kapoor In A Beautiful White Cutout Valentino Gown Is Taking Our Breath Away
Shanaya Kapoor's all-white crochetdress has all our hearts. The strap number came with a scoop neckline with cutout crochet work. It was still very autumnal, don't you agree? That dramatic thigh-high side slit added extra oomph to her look. The neon lime heels were a perfect pick to give her ensemble a stylish edge.
On most days, Shanaya Kapoor likes to keep it casual and chic. We might have bookmarked one too many carefree style statements of hers. This strapless outfit is also a part of the list. From the shelves of Gauri and Nainika, the polka dot number came in a subtle blush pink hue. It featured a corset detailing and layered frill style. Minimal glam further complemented her look.
Shanaya Kapoor's fashion affair with glamorous dresses and gowns is one to remember.
CommentsAlso Read: Shanaya Kapoor's Slinky Maxi Dress Is Minimal Only In Essence, Not Effect