With the little drizzles the city has started receiving, we can positively say that monsoons are here. Amidst the changing seasons, summer fashion is still in trend and Bollywood stars continue to beat the heat and humidity in breezy outfits. Giving us a sneak peek of her style wardrobe is Sanjana Sanghi in a silver mini dress with floral detail for the launch of trailer of her upcoming film Om. The halter neck mini dress featured a high neckline and standout floral detail in silver on the base of white. Tying her mane in a sleek ponytail, the actor wore dewy makeup with rosy cheek tint and pink lip colour. For accessories she opted for a few silver rings.
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Yet another time Sanjana Sanghi gave us major summer goals was when she opted for a fun colourpop co-ord set. The multicoloured outfit was from the clothing brand Advait. She teamed a sleeveless buttoned top with a pair of flared pants both in shades of yellow, red, blue, green and white. She accessories the outfit with golden earrings and strappy heels. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, the actor opted for nude makeup, pink lip tint and subtle eye makeup.
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Sanjana Sanghi knows well how to stun her fans with a playful wardrobe. The actor opted for a pair of leather shorts in yellow ochre shade and paired it with a plain white shirt. The three-quarter sleeved button-down shirt had a sheen to it and cuff cuff details at the ruffled wrist. The actor opted for a golden chain and nude heels as the only accesories. Sanjana tied her hair in a sleek ponytail and opted for glittery eyeshadows, rosy makeup and glossy pink lip colour.
We would love to see more of Sanjana's vibrant wardrobe.
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