Tamannaah Bhatia has always kept her A game on point. After serving us with impeccable looks at the Cannes red carpet 2022, the actress is back at it as she drops some swoon-worthy pictures on her social media handle. Making a strong case for monochromes is actress Tamannaah Bhatia slaying in a dramatic red outfit. She was seen donning a stunning one shoulder red top which featured a long train from one side which accentuated the stylish edge. The diva has always experimented with a variety of silhouettes and this time she is going all bold and bright in a beautiful red number. She paired the top from Gauri and Nainika with monochrome pants which suited the attire well. She teamed it up with red heels and her red lip look and sleek tied tresses perfectly complemented her look.
In a beautiful black sequin gown, actress Tamannaah Bhatia is an absolute sight to behold. The actress who made her debut at the Cannes red carpet 2022 gave us total fashion goals. She was seen adorning a beautiful black thigh high slit gown which featured a sheer cape which added that dramatic edge to the look. The gown featured a stunning plunging neckline which amped up the oomph factor.
Tamannaah Bhatia's fashion choices have always created an impact and we absolutely love it! Giving a very stylish spin to party dressing, the actress is acing the peppy pink in an absolutely glitz way. She was seen donning a bright pink oversized sequin shirt which was left partially unbuttoned in front. It featured a collar and long sleeves in a baggy fit. She teamed it up with a matching pink mini skirt and pink heels.
Tamannaah Bhatia has left no moment to make heads turn with her fashion choices. The actress made her debut in a Gauri and Nainika number at Cannes 2022. The black and white ensemble featured a dramatic flare towards the hemline which made the fit all the more flattering and the long train accentuated her style, making it all the more interesting.