Kartik Aaryan, the “Shehzada of Bollywood”, turned 33 on Wednesday. The actor marked the special day by hosting a super hit bash for his friends and industry colleagues. Kartik also received much love from his fans and friends on social media. But there was one note that stole the show. We are talking about Kartik's fellow Scorpionic Tara Sutaria. The actress' birthday post seemingly added fuel to their dating rumours. Tara shared a mushy picture of herself with Kartik on her Instagram Stories. In the photo, Kartik and Tara are twinning in all-black. Ditching a classic LBD, Tara picked a black midi with side slits. The snazzy pick featured a straight plunging neckline that was supported with slinky straps. The neckline and the hem of the figure-hugging ensemble were adorned with scallop detailing. Keeping her look strictly all-black, Tara paired her outfit with strappy ankle-length heels adorning copper-hued buckles. Just a pair of simple studs were enough to complete Tara's look. She wrapped her hair in a middle-parted messy bun. Kartik looked dapper in a crisp black formal shirt with straight trousers. He paired it all with formal shoes.
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Kartik Aaryan and Tara Sutaria sparked dating rumours after the two stepped out for dinner with friends in Mumbai. Despite the two being accompanied by Raveena Tandon's daughter Rasha Thadani, Sachin Tendulkar's daughter Sara Tendulkar, and Khushi Kapoor, this didn't stop fans from gushing about their relationship. Once again Kartik was seen in a formal avatar. The actor picked a regular-fit white shirt, which he carried in a button-down and sleeves rolled-up style. He paired it with straight trousers and a pair of black formal shoes.
Tara Sutaria, on the other hand, seemed to be in love with black numbers. Yet again the actress picked a black crop top, which she paired with a leopard print skirt. The snazzy bottom brought in all the pizzazz. Courtesy the high-waist element and side slit. Tara completed her look by leaving her curled tresses open. For the glam, she went with her signature dewy look that Tara paired with tinted pink lips and add-on lashes. A pair of white casual sneakers was the final touch.
FYI, Tara Sutaria and Kartik Aaryan were also spotted twinning in all-black ensembles at his star-studded birthday bash in Mumbai last night.
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