Tejasswi Prakash knows exactly how to create a stir in the fashion sphere with her impeccable taste and personal style. The actor manages to stun her fans each time with her public appearances as she chooses distinctive outfits for every occasion. In her latest Instagram post, the actor is seen wearing a green silk saree from Raw Mango that is simply Monsoon perfect. The ethnic drape has sparkly zari borders with motifs and prints, and is teamed with a colourpop pink blouse to brighten up her outfit. Tejasswi Prakash opts for a pearl necklace and statement chandbaali earrings to go with her ensemble. Tying her mane in a messy ponytail, Tejasswi wears dewy makeup, soft eyes and glossy nude lip tint for a flawless look.
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Tejasswi Prakash's ethnic wardrobe is praiseworthy. Not very long ago, the actor made a style statement in a pastel peach lehenga that won hearts. The actor wore a beautiful embellished lehenga and teamed it with a full-sleeved blouse with a plunging neckline in similar pattern and colour palette. The actor looked absolutely enthralling. She paired the look with a flared dupatta, which adorned her look. For accessories the actor opted for dangling earrings and wore glamorous makeup with shimmering eyelids, subtly kohled eyes and dark lip shade.
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Tejasswi Prakash opted for a striking metallic saree which she carried flawlessly. The actor draped a metallic saree in shades of purple and blue. She paired the saree with an embellished blouse in various colour shades. She accentuated the look with a silver waist belt. The actor opted for minimal jewellery and wore simple makeup with soft kohl, pink lip colour and shimmering eyeshadow.
We are taking notes from Tejasswi who is donning every ethnic look.
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