Vaani Kapoor's impeccable style and exquisite closet choices have always been on our radar especially after the actor was seen at the promotions of her latest movie Shamshera. Her effortless dressing and flawless style are well-appreciated by her fans. Recently, Vaani Kapoor was seen donning a pastel gown on the streets of Melbourne as she was in the city for Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2022. The floor-sweeping tube gown featured a corset bustline with a ruffled flare and dramatic thigh-high side slit. The actor paired the outfit with a pair of dangling gold earrings and transparent heels. For makeup, Vaani kept it subtle with shimmering eyelids, soft kohled eyes and glossy lip tint.
Also Read: Vaani Kapoor Looks More Enchanting Than The Midnight Sky In Her Deep Blue Suit
Have you seen Vaani Kapoor's gorgeous floral anarkali dress lately? Vaani continues to shine in the spring trend of florals in her strappy anarkali from the designer label Mahima Mahajan. Her pastel anarkali had delicate floral designs running throughout the ensemble and featured a plunging neckline. The actor carried a chiffon dupatta which had similar pastel hues and floral prints. For accessories, Vaani picked a pair of dangling emeralds. The actor sticks to her signature makeup consisting of winged eyeliner, glossy lip colour. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, Vaani's look gives the perfect festive dressing inspiration.
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Vaani Kapoor wore a gorgeous yellow sheer saree from the ace designer Manish Malhotra's label. The drape featured a delicate yellow lace border throughout. The actor teamed it with a strappy lace blouse, which had cut-out detailing throughout and featured a plunging neckline. She wore her hair loose in wavy curls and opted for bronze eye makeup and rosy pink lip tint.
We love Vaani Kapoor's style of flowy outfits.
CommentsAlso Read: Taking The Corset Trend To The Next Level Is Vaani Kapoor In A Silver Corset And Pink Pants