Rashmika Mandanna is all set to make her big Bollywood debut. But when it comes to making her own space on the fashion sphere, she has left a permanent mark. Rashmika Mandanna is a fashionista even in the comfiest nightsuit so it was naturally going to be headline-worthy when she stepped out in something uber chic in town. To kickstart her movie promotions for Goodbye, starring Amitabh Bachchan, Rashmika Mandanna started on a fashionable high. A printed boho co-ord set seemed like a fitting choice and we most certainly agree. Print-on-print is a trend that not many can ace but that's definitely not a problem for Rashmika Mandanna. Her printed set includes a drawstring bralette top paired with a matching printed skirt that shows us her toned midriff proving all those runs to the gym was not in vain. She throws in a long jacket on top with a similar print and keeps boring by the bay. Her boho chic outfit looks fabulous as it is but she was not going to stop at just that. Her messy mermaid waves add the perfect finishing touch along with soft smokey makeup and just like that said 'goodbye' to our midweek blues.
Also Read: Standing Out For Her Contemporary Style Is Rashmika Mandanna In Brocade Pants
Lately, Rashmika Mandanna has been experimenting with her style a bit. We're rooting for Rashmika. Effortless dressing with an impact is our favourite fashion mood. Rashmika Mandanna with her dressing especially the festive kind is sure to create a niche this season. She pairs a shirt with brocade trousers and if that's a start to fabulous festive fashion this year, we'll take it happily.
We've happily bid 'goodbye' to our boring old festive style for Rashmika Mandanna's stylish version.
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