Disha Patani's presence on social media never goes unnoticed. A day in her life is often filled with bingeing on anime, cuddling with her dogs, Bella and Goku or her cats, Jasmine and Keety and sometimes a workout thrown in for a little added flair. But she doesn't allow it (and thank God for that) to let it go past in the most mundane fashion. If we could learn a thing or two about lounging in the most sensational way, it's got to be from this pro. Disha Patani possesses the special skill set to raise mercury levels simply by existing and lounging in her lingerie set. Everyone knows Disha Patani has a sporty side and it sure is very sure too. She poses in a black one-shoulder sporty lingerie set with Calvin Klein's signature monogram logo on the elasticated band. All the efforts at the gym sure look worth it though with her chiseled washboard abs out on display. Her dewy complexion, wavy long locks and minimal makeup only goes to show that we can never lounge in style the way she does.
Also Read: Disha Patani Is Just Casually Burning Up The Internet Dressed In Grey, No Biggie
Disha Patani has well established the fact that nothing comes between her and her Calvins. She does things differently right from a simple black set to an edgy grey one, but always one to grab the internet's attention and ours.
Also Read: Looking Stylishly Fit Is Disha Patani's Daily Cardio Routine
Whatever your reason to chill at home in style; Disha Patani knows how to it fiercely in style.
We hold Disha Patani responsible for the Internet meltdown with her fashionable choices of the season.
CommentsAlso Read: Never In Our Wildest Dreams Could We Lounge As Stylishly As Disha Patani Does