Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan has never shied away from Indian ensembles. The actress, born to stars Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, is often seen in simple Indian outfits including salwar kurtas, sarees and anarkalis. However, if there is one ensemble that Sara Ali Khan always rocks, it is a lehenga. The actress has often impressed fashion experts with her lehenga looks. Whether it is a traditional lehenga or a more contemporary piece, the young stars always manage to look like a million bucks. For instance, it came as no surprise that for her maiden appearance at the Cannes film festival, Sara Ali Khan picked a lehenga from Abu Jani - Sandeep Khosla. The actress turned heads when she stepped out in the ivory and gold embroidered ensemble. The lehenga was a hand-embroidered multi-panel skirt paired with a short sleeve blouse. The embellished blouse featured silver threadwork with a plunging neckline and silver tassels. The outfit featured two dupattas, one resting on her shoulder and the other pinned to her bun.
(Also Read: Sara Ali Khan And Aditya Roy Kapur Exuded Ethereal Ethnic Charm On The Shantnu & Nikhil Runway)
Sara Ali Khan loves a monochrome vibe when it comes to her lehengas. Not too long ago, she stepped out in an embroidered red lehenga with hints of gold. The ensemble consisted of a short-sleeved blouse with a plunging neckline. The flared lehenga bottom boasted exquisite threadwork and delicate motifs. Also, do not miss the addition of the latkans. To complete the monochrome look, she draped a heavily embellished dupatta in red. She paired the ensemble with a maang tikka, a few bangles, and a statement ring.
For Manish Malhotra's Diwali bash last year, Sara Ali Khan stepped out in a gorgeous beige lehenga. The ensemble featured gold and silver work all along the length of the ensemble. She teamed it with a stunning matching blouse with a plunging neckline and a dupatta. She paired it with a choker set and golden bangles.
Sara Ali Khan also won hearts in a Falguni and Shane Peacock bling lehenga in a deep blue shade. The ensemble featured intricate sequin work, a plunging neckline blouse and a dupatta delicately tied with a brooch at the front. She kept her accessories minimal with a single statement ring stealing the show.
Tell us which of these lehenga looks of Sara Ali Khan is making its way to your must-have list.
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