At the Indian Sports Honours 2023 event held last night in Mumbai, Deepika Padukone arrived with her husband and actor Ranveer Singh as well as dear old dad. The couple was accompanied by Deepika's father, legendary badminton player Prakash Padukone. The trio looked suave in classic black, starting with Deepika Padukone, The actress redefined elegance once more in a statement saree. The black saree came with a perfect gold border. Underneath, she added a full-sleeve blouse with a closed neckline. Statement studs were the only accessories she wore to complete her red-carpet look. Deepika tied her hair in a sleek bun. Her glamorous makeup included dewy skin with blush, black smokey eyes with kohl, and matte pink lips. We couldn't help but notice the spot-on twinning by Ranveer Singh and Prakash Padukone. The gentlemen looked dapper in white shirts, teamed with black blazers and pants. While Prakash Padukone added a black bow tie, Ranveer Singh opted for a red pocket square and sunglasses to rule the red carpet.
Deepika Padukone was one of the presenters at the recent 95th Academy Awards. The actress, in a custom-made Louis Vuitton gown, brought back old-world Hollywood charm. The off-shoulder gown featured full sleeves and a perfect glammed-up bodycon fit. Deepika wore a gorgeous drop necklace and bracelet from Cartier. Her black gloves were a nice addition to the classic look. She tied her tresses in a sleek updo with minimal makeup of nude tones.
(Also Read: We Hope Deepika Padukone And Ranveer Singh's Holiday Was As Breezy As Their Airport Looks)
For the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party, Deepika Padukone opted for a pink creation from designer label Naeem Khan. Her fringe mini dress came with a deep V-neckline having structured sleeves and a balloon-like flare. The other stylish elements of her fashion outing included a black belt, sheer black stockings, full-sleeved black leather gloves, and black Christian Louboutin heels.
Deepika Padukone raised the casual glam bar higher as she opted for a denim-on-denim look. The actress picked a stunning full-sleeved denim jacket in a classic shade of icy blue and teamed it with a basic white t-shirt. She matched it with a pair of blue flared pants, in the same shade as that of a jacket. Deepika pulled up her tresses in a sleek high ponytail, and her makeup of bold red lips, dewy skin and subtly-kohled eyes was textbook perfect.
The actress attended Pathaan's press conference in a custom-made floral midi dress by Gauri and Nainika. That scoop neckline added pizazz to the structured floral dress. Deepika paired it with sleek bow-back Aquazurra heels. She wore drop earrings along with minimal glam and opted for wet tresses.
We are running out of adjectives to describe Deepika Padukone's style and charm. She was last seen in the blockbuster hit Pathaan alongside Shah Rukh Khan.
Comments(Also Read: Deepika Padukone And Ranveer Singh Are Truly Just A Royal Display Of Ethnic Style)