It seems like the stork came visiting Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja, who finally shared very exciting news with us today. The celebrity couple have announced their pregnancy with a set of photos shared on Instagram. In the series of pictures, Sonam is seen with her head resting on Anand's lap. As he tenderly holds her cheek, Sonam is caressing a baby bump! The eternal fashionista made the memorable moment a stylish one by slipping into a black fitted bodysuit with a square neckline and long sleeves. For their pregnancy reveal, Anand wore a contrasting white tank top with trousers and she captioned the post, "Four hands. To raise you the very best we can. Two hearts. That will beat in unison with yours, every step of the way. One family. Who will shower you with love and support. We can't wait to welcome you. #everydayphenomenal #comingthisfall2022" With a baby bump reveal as wonderful as this, we're already dreaming of the maternity fashion that Sonam Kapoor has got in store for us.
(Also Read: Sonam Kapoor And Anand Ahuja Look Regal In White Ethnic Looks To Wrap Up The Diwali 2021 Weekend)
Though new celebrities appear on the Bollywood style radar almost every second day, Sonam Kapoor continues to be known as one of the B-town's most fashionable women. And with Anand by her side, it's in double measure. Last month for Valentine's day, we adored their chic looks when Anand wore a black suit and Sonam, a polka dot dress with a pink stole.
We loved how they colour coordinated for New Year's when they turned up in matching black outfits that upped the glam quotient at least 10 times over.
Congratulations to the stylish parents-to-be Anand and Sonam!
Comments(Also Read: Sonam Kapoor, Anand Ahuja Make New Year Celebrations Phenomenal Twinning In Black)