Newlyweds Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal recently joined their friends to celebrate Arpita Khan's birthday. The couple shared photos from the bash in a joint post on Instagram. The video showed Zaheer riding an ATV with his plus one Sonakshi. The couple were twinning in black. Zaheer wore blue shorts with his tee, and Sonakshi chose matching black shorts to go with her top. Another clip featured Zaheer enjoying the bike ride alone. The caption read, "Happy Birthday, Arpita. Mazaa aa gaya. #WeekendKaVaar."
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The rainy season might spoil your picnic plans but there are plenty of activities that you can enjoy with your friends. Here are some outdoor activities you can try this monsoon while staying safe.
Even in the rain, trekking is a great way to discover and enjoy the beauty of nature. For people who enjoy adventure and wish to escape the rush of city life, India has a wide range of hiking paths that provide breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and mountains. Always wear suitable footwear and apparel because rain might cause certain areas to become slick.
If you enjoy adventure and getting a little exercise while paddling through roaring waves, kayaking is an adventure sport you shouldn't miss. Paddling around the lake, while taking in the breathtaking scenery is an amazing experience. It's worth taking in the captivating vista of the surrounding landscape.
During the monsoon season in India, camping is the most popular and amazing pastime since it lets you experience nature at its most breathtaking! Spend the night stargazing and taking in the sounds of nature by setting up a campsite next to a lake or river.
Waterfall Repelling
There are several waterfalls fed by rainfall that overflow during the monsoon season. In the adventure sport of waterfall rappelling, you use a rope and anchor to lower yourself down the sheer rock wall of a thunderous waterfall. The ideal time to engage in such an adventurous pastime is during the monsoon. If done carefully, Rappelling down a waterfall may be a really exciting and exhilarating experience.
Fishing is one of the best ways to unwind and take in the scenery. Rivers swell with water during the monsoon, making them ideal for fishing. A fishing rod, bait, and, of course, rainwear are all you'll need for this activity.
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