Nimrat Kaur's Instagram timeline is as real as it gets. To mark the festival of Holi, known as the celebration of colour across India, the actress took off to Bikaner in Rajasthan. Amongst the intricately designed steeples and architectural columns, Nimrat made sure her celebrations were filled with tradition, music and of course, plenty of colour. In photos posted by the actress on Instagram, she is seen playing with colour and showering flowers all around her. She also soaked in the Rajasthani culture by dancing along with traditional folk artists. It wouldn't be a Holi celebration without the lighting of the bonfire, symbolizing the ridding of negativity and bad from the world to be replaced by good.
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She also took in a moment on the festive night to snap a picture of the moon, which made a stunning view that anyone would love to have on their festive travels.
Holi morning too was refreshing for Nimrat as she snapped a picture of the sun rising on the property, with the trees and steeples creating a gorgeous silhouette.
In the past, Nimrat Kaur showed us how she celebrated the rains. Along with a series of pictures shared on Instagram, Nimrat Kaur gushed about what the season means to her. “A 10-picture love story of my top two fav monsoon themes. 1) Food. 2) Where my feet take me!” The carousel of images began with the actress jumping in joy wearing a blue sports bra and leggings. She paired it with a cap and sports shoes. This is also followed by images of several cows grazing on a field. She also offered a glimpse of the foods she indulged in, including pakoras, poha and bread. Do not miss the images of her walking barefoot in the garden. Her pictures are making us crave the rain.
On another occasion, Nimrat Kaur proved that she is a true nature baby. The actress was seen laying on the ground, wearing a flower on her ear and leaving her luscious hair open as she soaked in the glory of nature's finest bounty.
It's a delight to see the country, festivals and seasons through Nimrat Kaur's eyes.