Masaba Gupta is enjoying her much-needed downtime at the Four Seasons Resort Dubai. The Indian fashion designer posted views from a rather relaxing and indulgent looking staycation she had in Dubai. The mama-to-be accompanied the post along with an aptly put caption, "Home away from home doing mama things on one of my favourite desert islands @fsdubai." From the pictures it seemed like she was enjoying her time at her favourite desert island, Dubai. From sharing a happy moment posing with her husband to enjoying a tranquil beach view from her room to a quiet self-reflective moment in the lawns at the property, it seemed that Masaba had it all at in Dubai.
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Calling it her "home away from home", Masaba Gupta gave her followers more than just a sneak-peek into her time unwinding at the Four Seasons Resort Dubai. The Four Seasons Resort Dubai is a luxury hotel at Jumeirah Beach in Dubai, UAE that offers picturesque views of the Dubai skyline and the sea. A small ferry boat ride called abra takes one along the coastal waters.
Then, getting dazzled by the Dubai Spice Souk is also on the cards as one can experience oils, saffron, exotic nuts and fragrant teas. If you're a gourmet lover, a plate of Asado ribs at the steak house Nusr-et can be a treat for your taste buds or a revitalising time amidst fragrant frangipani blossoms at The Pearl Spa at the property is also in store for you.
The mama in the making was seen checking into her swanky suite at the property, enjoying a plate of eggs benedict with grilled tomatoes, mashed potatoes and a cup of robust Arabic coffee on the side. She posed for a memorable mirror selfie with her husband Satyajeet Dubey and basked under the Arabian sun while wearing her chic aviator sunglasses and a gold chain accessorised Hermes Birkin bag.
The Masaba Masaba star shared breathtaking views of the palms, waterbodies and more in the gardens at the property along with the perfect sea view captured from behind the curtains in her room. The property lit up like it was a festival with mood lighting under the star light that made for a memorable moment.
Masaba Gupta definitely deserved that staycation at the Four Seasons Resort Dubai, which makes us want to treat ourselves to a staycation too.
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