Wamiqa Gabbi has been grabbing headlines and for all the right reasons. While her style has been impressive, her travel diaries are worth bookmarking too. Her vacation pictures never miss a chance to grab attention. The Vedaa actress recently spent some time at a relaxing retreat in Chandigarh. In an Instagram post, the green-eyed gorgeousness dropped three photos as she happily posed with the serene landscape of Sukhna Lake. In one of the photos, she was seen soaking in the cool breeze of the lake while smoothing out her wind-tousled locks. Waqima captioned it, “The city Beautiful's Sukhna Lake.” The actress ended the caption with the hashtag ‘Day out with' and revived it with her fun-filled ‘Premiqa' avatar, inspired by the 1994 track Premika Ne Pyar Se, which recently went viral on Instagram.
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If you want to visit the same relaxing retreat in Chandigarh as Wamiqa, here is a guide to the Lake:
Sukhna Lake's address: The serene retreat is situated at the foothills (Shivalik hills) of the Himalayas. More precisely, the address of the natural reservoir is Sector No.1, Chandigarh, 160001, India.
Sukhna Lake is open on all days, from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm. No entry fee is required here. However, if you want to go boating, 100 per person for Boating for four people and 50 per person for Boating for two people is required.
What can you do at Sukhna Lake?
You can choose from an array of activities, including boating (Pedal Boats, Rowing Boats, and Motorboats), sunset watching with your close ones, photographing, taking a stroll in the morning, jogging, birdwatching, especially in the winter months, picnicking, horse riding offered by local vendors, and cycling.
Other information about Sukhna Lake-
Sukhna has a membership-based Lake Club with various specialities. The lake was also once the venue for the Asian Rowing Championships, as it has the longest channel for rowing and yachting events in Asia.
What else can be visited alongside Sukhna Lake during a day out?
The Sukhna Lake has a golf course to the south and Nek Chand's famous Rock Garden of Chandigarh to its west, which can be visited while there. Moreover, a tranquil space for meditation, the Garden of Silence can also be visited due to its vicinity of the Sukhna Lake.