Bipasha Basu is enjoying her role as a mama to daughter Devi Basu Singh Grover, whom she welcomed with her husband, actor Karan Singh Grover in 2022. Recently, Bipasha's Instagram Stories gave viewers insight into Devi's playful habits and travel choices. Just like us, Devi too loves beaches. While the heat might have made it difficult to embark on a coastal outing, the dotting mother seems to have found another way to keep her toddler engaged. In an adorable video, Devi was seen playing with blue kinetic sand. She scooped some clumps with a toy shovel and tried pouring it inside a starfished-shaped mold. “Dreaming of a beach on this hot day. So some sand play,” Bipasha explained in the caption.
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Like her painter star dad, little Devi also has an artistic side to herself. A few days ago, Bipasha shared a clip of her daughter painting with bare hands. Dipping her hands into a bowl smeared with yellow paint, she created an abstract illustration on a white canvas. Paintbrushes were a part of the creative session too. Devi picked one, and mixed two vibrant yellow and green colours, producing a blue shade. We bet, there could be no better way to make kids learn about hues. Speaking about Devi, Bipasha wrote, “She teaches us every day to be free and not inhibited at all … to be our true self and enjoy every second of life.”
On Mother's Day, Devi spent time with her mum by indulging in a gardening activity. After all, caring for Mother Nature is a lesson that must be imparted to youngsters early on. Under Bipasha's guidance, she planted a tiny sapling, stuffing soil into a pot. Her smile was proof enough that she loved the process. “Dear Mom, thanks for helping me grow,” read the meaningful note, tucked into the pot.
We eagerly await for Bipasha Basu to treat us with more parenting moments.
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