Deepika Padukone's pregnancy is what every Bollywood fan is gushing about right now. For a recent beauty event, the mommy-to-be made her first official public appearance, while pregnant, in a Daffodil yellow midi dress. The outfit by designers Gauri and Nainika, shone brighter than the summer sun. Deepika ticked all the boxes in her maternity look with the sweetheart neckline and broad-strapped silhouette. The short bodice came with structured flowing pleats, adding a whimsy flair, while the pockets delivered a proper functional aspect. After everyone was talking about the sunshine-infused dress, Deepika decided to sell it for charity. The proceeds are said to go to The Live Love Laugh Foundation, a non-profit NGO organisation founded by the actress herself. The yellow midi was sold at Rs 34,000. Deepika shared the happy announcement on her Instagram Stories, tagging the recipient of the designer outfit.
Deepika Padukone is meant for stunning fashion, it seems. Earlier, the star offered up a vintage spectacle in a sleeveless black silk faille dress. Again a Gauri and Nainika creation, the outfit came with long pleats contributing to the volume. It bore striking resemblance to the yellow number, just in a different colour. The cinched waist drooping down into an asymmetrical hem brought out the X-factor. Deepika styled the designer fit with diamond-encrusted emerald jewellery and matching earrings.
At the Oscars 2023, Deepika Padukone took us to the bygone royal era in a strapless velvet black Louis Vuitton gown. The scooped neckline and the off-shoulder sleeve commanded attention. The fabric wrapped around her waist finely, offering a fitted detail before plunging into a voluminous flare below. The floor-sweeping number found its accompaniment through the opera gloves. Diamond jewellery, minimal glam beauty strokes, and an updo enhanced Deepika's allure.
Deepika Padukone is a fashion goddess, even more so when pregnant.
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