Would you be surprised if we tell you to practice just one exercise daily for weight loss, core strengthening, good body posture and also to uplift your mood? Well, let us tell you, it is nothing but planks. One of the most effective and beneficial exercises, plank is great for your physical and mental health. Its appearance can make your say it's a simple exercise, but trust us, the benefits that planks provide are way beyond any other core strengthening exercises. It is said that even if you do not practice a range of weight loss exercises, planks are enough to strengthen your core and help you to lose your belly fat gradually.
Meenakshi Mohanty, who is a Delhi-based fitness expert, told us, "Bodyweight exercises has steadily gained popularity among both beginners and fitness experts due to the practicality and simplicity of getting into shape using your own body weight. Planks being one of the most effective bodyweight exercises are a functional movement that trains the abs to support the spine for day-to-day activities."
How To Perform Planks
From beginners to advance, here's how you can try various styles of planks:
Health Benefits Of Planks
"Plank exercises not only keep your tummy tight and your core strong, but helps to improve your posture and increase your flexibility. It also helps to develop isometric strength in your core muscles. While the classic plank is a great go-to exercise, it can also be modified depending on whether you are a beginner or an expert and can be personalised to suit your body needs," added Meenakshi.
1. It strengthens your core which helps you to lose your belly fat easily. You can mix planks with cardio and other strength training exercises for full body weight loss and body strengthening.
2. It improves your posture. A good posture does not only look attractive but also prevents your body from injuries.
3. It reduces the risk of your back and spinal injury.
4. It boosts your metabolism and triggers weight loss easily.
(Also read: How To Do Vriksasana, The Tree Pose: A Standing Asana For Balance)
Types Of Planks
1. The Traditional Full Plank
Full plank is the basic starting position for all other variations and is a great option for beginners or those looking to perfect their form.
2. Core Classic Plank
Core classic plank targets and tones the entire body in one move.
3. Forearm Plank
If you are looking to increase the burn, it is advised to try the forearm plank. There are several other forms and variations such as the side plank, plank thrust, one-leg plank and the more advanced up and down plank.
Add planks to your workout regime and stay fit.
(Also read: Surya Namaskar For Beginners: How To Master The 12 Yoga Poses)