Just like how we tone our body, there are simple and easy ways to tone our face as well. Facial yoga or face exercises have been quite popular recently and all you need are some skills, tools and just the right face exercises to keep your skin younger looking and firmer. Whether you want to tone your jawline or accentuate your cheeks, yoga exercises are a great way to achieve them. And to help you with the same, we have curated a list of best facial exercises to tone your skin right!
Best Facial Exercises To Practice At Home
1. Fish Face Exercise
An extremely easy and common exercise that you can easily practice at home. This exercise helps to ensure a firmer looking skin. This is a great way to accentuate your cheeks and jaw. For this exercise softly close your lips and then draw your cheeks inwards as much as possible, making a 'fish face' look. Try smiling while holding this posture for about 15 seconds and then withdraw. You can repeat this exercise for about next five minutes for best results.
2. Eye Muscles
While sculpting or toning your face, it is also essential to pay attention to the other parts of the face as well. This exercise is extremely easy to practice and helps in strengthening your eye muscles. Place two fingers at the corner of your eyes. Shut your eyes tight and then open. Repeat this 10 times to strengthen your eye muscles.
3. Chin Muscle
It is also essential to tone and strengthen your chin muscle. It also helps in toning your jaw. For this exercise, all you need to do is, place three fingers on the chin and then pull down your lower jaw. Curl your lower lip inside the mouth, against the pull of the fingers. Repeat this 10 times for best results.
4. The Cheek Lift
Firm skin is what we all want and facial exercises have been a popular way to achieve it. For this exercise, close your lips and try to pull your cheeks towards your eyes. Then slowly raise the corners of your lips by smiling and hold that posture for about 10 seconds. This will not only help you flex your muscles but also relax your mood.