To alleviate any workout monotony, Alaya Furniturewalla manages to add spice to her routine by incorporating dance into her fitness regime. Alaya recently shared a “BTS rehearsal video” on Instagram. Dressed in a grey bralette and black shorts, the Freddy star did not miss a beat. She grooved joyfully in perfect synchronisation with her choreographer, Alisha Behura. The hand raises, hip movements and leg stretches were a part of the workout dance session. After all, the benefits of dance and exercise are plenty. The dual physical activity weaves aerobic and weight-bearing stunts together. It improves heart health, promotes stronger muscles, balance, and coordination, and enhances one's mood.
(Also Read: A Regular Day In Alaya Furniturewalla's Life Involves Acing A One-Hand Tree Pose Like A Pro)
On a Saturday, when the weekend vibes get just a bit too strong, Alaya F makes sure to keep us motivated to exercise. Not long ago, in an Instagram video, she dished out major fitness inspiration. “Strong girl Saturday,” she wrote in the caption. She commenced her home workout with an impressive headstand. She clasped her hands behind her head, which were placed on the mat below. With her legs high up in the air, Alaya expanded them, held them in position, and brought them down. In the fourth slide, she shared a sneak peek into a split exercise, her legs facing in opposite directions and her palms touching in the air.
Earlier, she nailed a 10-squat exercise, not at the gym or on a flat surface, but upon a gym ball. How cool is that? Alaya confessed that her legs, feet, and toes burned from the strain, but she held her ground and performed the stunt like an expert. “Nothing feels better than progress. Please see how happy I am,” she captioned.
Alaya F's fitness regime will always be on our radar.
Comments(Also Read: Alaya Furniturewalla Serves A Dose Of Saturday Workout Motivation With Headstands And Splits)