Aayush Sharma made his Bollywood film debut in the 2018 movie Loveyatri and since then, has starred in Antim as well as a handful of music videos. But till date, Aayush is best known for the famous family he married into. In 2014, Aayush married Arpita Khan, who is the sister of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. You'd think that marrying into the famous Khan family and then entering the Hindi film industry would have been a bed of roses for Aayush. But it seems like that hasn't been the case.
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A TEDx Talks video from October 2022 is now trending wherein Aayush spoke to the audience about his foray in the film industry, his famous family and how social media has affected his life. He touches upon how his wife Arpita Khan has been "constantly trolled for being overweight". "As a celebrity, she's a constant target that she should not be so fat or she should dress a certain way. Every time her picture is live, people are quick to remind her that she's dark in colour," states Aayush. He goes on to decipher that, "today, beauty is no longer internal. No one wants to know how beautiful you are as a human being. People want to see you beautiful externally." To that, Aayush said, "I'm proud of my wife for being comfortable in her own skin and she's proud of who she is."
Everyone needs a support system in their partner just like Aayush is to Arpita. That's one way to beat the troll brigade; let your security in your own skin dull their noise.
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