Matte base with glowy temples and nude glossy lips mark Rakul Preet Singh's outing staple glam. Whether on the red carpet or on a date night, Rakul's minimal glam is versatile to slay any occasion. So, on Monday, the actress was trying to create her signature go-to look, when she and her makeup team were distracted. Akshay Kumar's latest track Jalsa 2.0 from Mission Raniganj is to be blamed. Rakul shared a video, proving that she and her makeup team are “in love with the song” and she can't help as her beauty session turns into a “Jalsa”. FYI: The film is backed by her boyfriend Jackky Bhagnani. The clip opens with Rakul wearing a neutral shadow on a matte base. It was paired with her natural-looking brows, glossy pink lips and natural lashes. Makeup brushes, hair sprays and glasses turned their props, as they danced on the track. Rakul carried this look on a green tie-dye shirt and trousers.
When we said that Rakul Preet Singh's minimal glam look can pass her even on the red carpet, we meant it literally. The actress switched her matte base with dewy and paired it with generous highlighter neutral shadow and glossy lips. Pointy brows were paired with wispy lashes. She carried this look on metallic silver six yards. Rakul draped her shimmery saree with a strappy blouse. Middle parted sleek high bun was the final touch along with statement earrings.
Rakul Preet Singh's minimal glam makes skincare goals look easy.
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