People say wearing matching outfits can steal one's thunder, but it looks like we have been proven wrong. It was a glamourous evening for Bollywood the screening of Ananya Panday's web series Call Me Bae. But what grabbed our attention were Radhika Madan and Karishma Tanna's identical outfits. While both aced the look, here's how they styled their respective outfits differently. Radhika Madan kept a chic and classy vibe for the event. She opted for the white shirt dress featuring a buttoned bodice with a collared neckline and loose sleeves. The actress paired the dress with a stylish black mini skirt, fully adorned with fringe, creating a trendy bubble hemline.
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Adding more glam to her look, she accessorised it with a multi-layered necklace, golden stud earrings, and black heels. She kept her makeup subtle with a minimal base, kohl-lined eyes, blushed cheeks and luminous highlighter complementing her nude lipstick. She completed her look with a sleek ponytail, looking stunning as ever.
On the other hand, Karishma Tanna added her personal touch to the same outfit. To elevate her look, she wore golden stud earrings, sleek bracelets, finger rings and black heeled boots. Amping up her look, she went with blush on the cheeks and nude lips. Letting her outfit talk, she left her wavy tresses loose adding a subtle glam touch to her overall look.
Radhika and Karishma may have opted for a similar outfit, but it's their unique style and persona that stood them apart.
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