Alia Bhatt has been adding one feather after another to her cap and this time, she has become a global ambassador of Loreal. TheGangubai actress proved that she is actually "worth it" by dazzling her fans with a regal-looking vintage gold saree gown avatar. Ace designer Gaurav Gupta shared Alia's grand and gorgeous pictures in his signature creation along with a caption that gave us all the details about her look, "@aliaabhatt in the one shoulder linear cosmic saree gown as she joins the @lorealparis family."
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Alia Bhatt wore an old-gold single shoulder saree gown from the shelves of the designer Gaurav Gupta to announce herself as the new face of L'Oreal. The mother of one wore the crinkle-patterned pleated ensemble that had a bandeau-style blouse with silver, gold and bronze sequins that further graduated into a single shoulder palla doubled as a strap in the fusion outfit. This palla drape was embellished with lines after lines of beadwork, pearls and sequins that made Alia shine like the star that she is. The bottom skirt of the saree-gown that derived inspiration from the cosmos was embroidered with a shower of sequins and featured a thigh-high slit.
Styled by celebrity stylist Priyanka R Kapadia for the look, Alia wore a pair of archival diamond-encrusted kundan earrings and a matching cocktail ring in her finger.
On the hair and makeup front, Alia wore her long bob in centre-parted light waves styled by hairstylist Amit Thakur. Makeup artist Puneet B Saini did Alia's makeup in her signature manner with dewy fresh skin, a lightly bronzed complexion, fluffy brows, a wash of peach eyeshadow on the lids, wispy mascara-laden eyelashes, a hint of peach blush on the high points of her cheeks, a highlighted nose bridge, and a rose-toned lip colour to add the finishing touches to the look.
Alia Bhatt served modern saree-core vibes in her vintage gold-toned Gaurav Gupta saree gown like a pro.
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