The trailer and music launch of Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan 2 was held in Chennai last month. The star cast including Jayam Ravi, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Vikram, Karthi, and AR Rahman among others attended the event. However, our eyes were glued to Trisha Krishnan, who looked breathtaking in a royal blue saree. The pizazz of the ensemble was elevated by the heavy silver work across the border as well as on the pallu. Trisha teamed it with a three-fourth sleeve embellished blouse, showcasing a wide square neckline. Diamond jewellery for accessories complemented Trisha's charm. She opted for a choker-style necklace, a pair of earrings, bracelet, and a ring. The actress left her tresses open and wore dewy glam, which included coral blush, glossy brown lips, perfectly winged eyeliner and kohl-rimmed eyes. Trisha looked elegant as ever.
Trisha Krishnan and her saree diaries are a treat to sore eyes. Her dual-toned grey and pink ombre drape was simple yet stunning. The ethnic wonder, which came with a sleek mirror-work border, was teamed with a spaghetti strap black sequin blouse. Trisha didn't go overboard with the accessories and opted for studs and a wristwatch to seal the deal. Her rosy pink glam with kohl-rimmed eyes was spot on.
(Also Read: Sunshine Strokes Trisha Krishnan's Yellow Sequinned Saree)
Trisha Krishnan's sarees are a staple when it comes to movie promotions. While her Western numbers are ravishing, nothing beats the grace of traditional sarees. And Trisha Krishnan's Kanjeevaram pick is proof. Heavy regal jewellery along with shimmery eyelids, sleek eyeliner, blush pink lips as well as gajra-adorned bun completed the fashion outing.
Trisha Krishnan carries her own little sun in the form of this yellow sequinned saree. From the shelves of House Of Neeta Lulla, the drape featured pearl detailing at the border, along with floral feather design all over. Underneath, she added a sleeveless statement blouse. To round it off, Trisha picked nude tones for makeup, which came with a hint of glam.
Trisha Krishnan's wardrobe for Ponniyin Selvan: I promotions was all about sarees. She once draped herself in this burgundy number, which featured a see-through silhouette with broad borders, floral thread embroidery, and intricate sequin embellishment. Trisha wore emerald earrings, a statement ring, and beige heels to complement her fit.
Trisha Krishnan played the character of Princess Kundavai in Ponniyin Selvan 1. The actress is set to revive her role in the sequel.
Comments(Also Read: Right In Time For Diwali, Trisha Krishnan's Grey And Pink Ombre Saree Is Topping The Style Charts)