Where there's Akshay Kumar, there's always a buzz in the air. If it's not for his flowing stream of movies, it's for another eye-catching reason. Today, there were multiple of those as to why Akshay made headlines. To promote his upcoming movie Selfiee, the Bollywood actor decided against taking the tried-and-tested route. No, he didn't show up and speak to the press about how great his new movie was going to be. Akshay decided to take it a step further and break a Guinness World Record while he was at it. You know, the usual.
(Also Read: When Akshay Kumar Sported A Nose Ring In 1995: A Fashion Choice That Was Ahead Of Its Time)
His upcoming film is titled Selfiee so keeping in line with it, the actor attempted to take the most number of selfies in a fixed period of time and what do you know, he succeeded at doing so. A high achiever, this one! Akshay Kumar now holds the Guinness World Record for the most selfies taken in three minutes.
(Also Read: Happy Birthday Akshay Kumar: 6 Times The Bollywood Star Made Super Cool Menswear Statements)
His clothing for the event however, had us scratching our heads. Akshay chose a neon orange jumpsuit which had a black zipper running down the front with patches sewed on it. He left the collar un-cuffed and pulled a leg of the length up; a bizarre fashion choice that he has made his own over time. He completed it with white sneakers. While zesty orange certainly is a delightful shade, we'd recommend leaving it to the inmates because Akshay's version of jailer chic isn't exactly the kind of fashion statement we adore.
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