Rashmika Mandanna has been keeping herself extremely busy lately. As she prepares to make her big Bollywood debut opposite Amitabh Bachchan in the film Goodbye, she is seen in the city promoting her film with great enthusiasm. But with great responsibilities come greater fashion opportunities and she is ruling on that front currently before her film's release. She was last seen in a gingham dress and blazer set which completely made us forget about the gloomy monsoon weather outside. Now that's just the kind of print-on-print moment we love. Nothing looks as cheery as a picnic on a sunny day and even though the picnic idea may be far away for her, it doesn't mean she can't dress up for it. She picks a strappy halter mini dress paired with a light blazer with puffy statement sleeves both matching in their pretty pink and white glory. The outfit gets a retro touch with her white vinyl heels and cat eye sunglasses that had a white rim frame and a peachy-pink lens. Guess she sure is looking at the world with rose tinted glasses, literally.
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Print-on-print is a trend that not many can ace but for those who can, Rashmika stands right in front of that line. To kickstart her movie promotions for Goodbye, Rashmika Mandanna started it on a fashionable high in yet another printed set. Her printed coo-ord set includes a drawstring bralette top paired with a matching printed skirt that shows us her toned midriff proving all those runs to the gym was not in vain. She throws in a long jacket on top with a similar print and keeps boring by the bay.
Also Read: Rashmika Mandanna Makes Beating The Monday Blues Look Stunning In A Blue Sharara Set
The boring old printed styles sure don't exist in Rashmika Mandanna's world.
Also Read: We've Said 'Goodbye' To All Midweek Blues Thanks To Rashmika Mandanna's Boho Chic Vibe