GQ Best Dressed Awards took place in the city recently witnessed by many Bollywood stars. The star-studded evening obviously experienced best dressed celebrities in stylish and chic outfits, stunning their fans. Sanjana Sanghi attended the awards night in a glamorous pantsuit and stole the thunder of the show. The sparkly pantsuit had sequined detailing and consisted of a three-quarter sleeved blazer in thin pinstripes in shades of black, beige and brown. The actor teamed it with flared pants in the same pattern and colour palette. Sanjana chose to wear a strappy bralette inside the blazer which featured a plunging neckline. Leaving her mane in beachy waves, the actor opted for minimal dewy makeup with soft kohled eyes and brownish lip colour.
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Sanjana Sanghi made a striking appearance in a corset jumpsuit, while promoting her movie Om. The all-black tube outfit had a sheer top with corset bustline and wide leg pants at the bottom which featured dramatic front slits. The outfit from the clothing brand Pocket Stories was the perfect blend of chic and comfort. Sanjana kept her makeup glamorous as she opted for intensive eye makeup and nude lip colour. For accessories, she kept it simple with golden hoops and golden strappy heels.
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Sanjana Sanghi surely loves black on her and the colour definitely suits her well. On yet another promotional event, the actor opted for high waist, wide leg black metallic pants and teamed them with a bold full-sleeved top with cut out detailing. For accessories, Sanjana wore a pair of statement dangling earrings. The Bollywood diva opted for glamorous nude makeup with matte lip tint, shimmering eyelids, intense smokey eyes and well-contoured cheeks, to complete her edgy style.
Can you decide your favourite look of Sanjana's? We surely can not.
CommentsAlso Read: Sanjana Sanghi Is Setting The Right Mood For The Weekend In A Corset Mini Dress