Guess who's brightening up our day with her sartorial glamour? We are bedazzled by none other than Richa Shukla Moorjani who has set the internet ablaze with her gorgeous saree-styled ensemble. The Never Have I Ever actress got us swooning in a Shloka Khialani yellow saree, which has tiered frills at the bottom and lavish embroidery on the pallu border. Richa posed in a backless yellow blouse with elbow-length sleeves and all-over silver and yellow floral embroidery. The yellow vibes were accentuated by Richa's yellow bangles. The actress completed her ethnic look with graphic eye makeup with warm tones. She let the Indian fashion vibes do the talking with her nose ring and a bindi.
Also Read: Poorna Jagannathan Gives Diwali A Modern Twist In Her Rs 1.3 Lakh Anita Dongre Ethnic Suit
Richa's Diwali fashion statement was picture-perfect. Teaming up with Mindy Kaling and others for the celebrations, she showed up in an ethereal white and light-blue semi-stitched saree. The golden sequin details and pink floral patterns gave her an effortless festive appearance.
A couple of months ago, the actress posted a picture of hers in a Bohemian printed Indian lehenga by designer Payal Singhal. The attire gave a ravishing spin to Indian ethnic wear with its pop of colours, playful tassels and diversity of patterns. Richa unabashedly showed off the drawstring details of the backless blouse in these photos:
Back in July, Richa donned a beautiful blue saree with heavyweight golden zari work. The broad borders and the traditional leafy patterns on the saree pinned down the Indian look perfectly. The actress styled it with heavyweight gold-tinted jewellery, minimal makeup and a blue bindi.
Also Read: Chrissy Teigen Slays Diwali Style In Not One, But Two Papa Don't Preach Sarees
A pink and purple brocade lehenga-choli set gave Richa a glamorous look in this photo shared around the beginning of this year. She wore a golden neck choker and pink bangles to add vibrance to her outfit.
Yellow was her colour when she draped herself in a nine-yard clothing with red floral prints. She carried the saree in one of the chicest ways possible, styling it with sleek jewellery and a yellow sling bag.
Richa is surely giving ethnic fashion a boost and we cannot stop going through her look-book.
Also Read: Padma Lakshmi And Daughter Krishna's Diwali Looks Through The Years Are Absolutely Adorable
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