Aashka Goradia and her husband Brent Goble are all set to embrace parenthood. The actress announced her pregnancy on Mother's Day recently and is now in her 18th week. Aashka, who often went viral with her exercises on the beach, continues to embrace yoga in her pregnancy days as well. She gave us a glimpse of her prenatal yoga session in an Instagram post. In the caption, Aashka not only highlighted the importance of prenatal yoga but also thanked her husband for his guidance and support. The video showcased Aashka performing all the stretching exercises, which were followed by a headstand.
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The actress revealed that conscious movement in and throughout pregnancy is important unless to-be mothers don't have any complications or have been advised to rest by doctors. “Prenatal Yoga helps the mom-to-be and the baby - happy mom, happy baby. Conscious Movement in and throughout pregnancy is important unless you have any complications or are advised to rest by a medical professional. I have watched my husband train other women with care and intense awareness," she wrote.
Aashka Goradia confessed that under her husband's guidance, she has been able to grow and transform a lot over the years. She also dropped a thank you note for Brent. Aashka said, "I used to wonder when would it be my turn and here it is, under my dear husband and my teacher @ibrentgoble 's guidance - I have been able to grow and transform a lot over the years. In this beautiful stage of pregnancy - I am thankful for all that my husband has to teach. He keeps me aware of my practice - on and off the mat.” However, the actress urged the pregnant ladies to perform prenatal yoga under guidance, unless they are a practitioner or a teacher themselves. “I am most intuitive right now, same for other expectants. Breathe - Focus.” she added.
Aashka Goradia shared that while her body gracefully adapts to the incredible changes of pregnancy, she finds solace and strength through the practice of prenatal yoga. Here, the actress performs various exercises along with half-way push-ups. Watch the video:
Aashka Goradia and Brent Goble got married in 2017.
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