Janhvi Kapoor and her workout streak has often dominated Bollywood's fitness domain. The actress loves a good pilates session and yet again, the actress served us with the much-needed dose of midweek motivation. Janhvi's trainer Namrata Purohit shared a video of the actress durint an intense pilates session. She worked on her back and core with an exercise that looked easy but will make you feel the burn. She was balancing on the arc barrel as she performed her workout. With her legs bent upwards at the certain angle, she was balancing it all. The workout is a great way to improve your core and back. It also helps to focus on forearms and back, making the muscles stronger. If you are looking for a way to level up your game, it is about time you take cues from Janhvi.
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Janhvi Kapoor's fitness regimen is a call to up your workout game. The actress is a long-time enthusiast of Pilates and her videos have been motivating enough for us to hit the gym. Previously, Janhvi gave us another dose of fitness with her hardcore hamstring workout. In a video shared by her trainer Namrata Purohit, the actress was seen "burning up the hamstrings and glutes" on a pilates reformer. Namrata wrote, "Here's some #MondayMotivation @janhvikapoor really burning up the hamstrings and glutes! While stabilising through the core and shoulders! Well done Janhvi."
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Janhvi Kapoor's workout diaries are as advanced as it gets.
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