Kareena Kapoor has always been steadfast about her fitness routine. From pilates to yoga, the actress always seems to manage to get a daily dose of fitness in there. Her pumped-up workout sessions are motivating enough for one to get up and hit the gym. For a fitness fanatic, nothing stands in the way of daily workouts and this seems like the case for Kareena too. Recently, celebrity trainer Namrata Purohit gave us a glimpse of Kareena doing pilates. She posted the same on her Instagram story in which Kareena did a form of pilates that helps in improving arm muscles and the core. Pilates generally focuses on improving posture and muscle strength. It involves multiple exercises with the core in focus. Which is likely why it is a hit among celebrities.
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Fit and fab are the right words to put together Kareena Kapoor's fitness regimen. The actress is quite a fitness darling and she truly does not shy away from giving us glimpses of her workouts. Not so long ago, Kareena gave us much-needed fitness inspiration with her video. In the video, the actress was seen doing multiple stretches, from leg raises to downward dog and more. What better than a good body stretch?
Balance is the key, seems the same for Kareena too. Using your body weight to balance is another way to strengthen the muscles. In another post, the actress performed a form i.e. bridge, that eventually helps in strengthening the glutes and other muscles as well.
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CommentsKareena Kapoor's fitness mantras are worthy of any fitness enthusiast's attention.