Sanya Malhotra was most recently seen in Jawan, which has received humongous love and admiration from all the Shah Rukh Khan fans for its exceptional action. But Sanya Malhotra's action sequences and training for the role are hard to miss. The actress shared a post on Instagram recently showing her fans sneak peeks of her training for the movie. She looks super natural and fit as she trains for the action scenes.
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Sanya Malhotra also shared a still from the movie where she is posing with the other actresses from the movie. They are all seen wearing military green full-sleeved shirts with black latex pants and a black vest jacket.
Sanya Malhotra's core strength, kickboxing, and wrestling training are all seen at once as she practices a fighting sequence for the movie. We always knew the actress was a fitness enthusiast from her Instagram profile. The star has previously shared her fitness routine with her fans on her social media handle. In one of the videos that Sanya shared, she was seen trying out everything from skipping, weightlifting, kickboxing, boxing, squatting, and more. That is enough proof of her dedication to fitness.
Here are a few exercises that Sanya worked on while training:
Core-strengthening: Building the core strength and making the gut strong for the strong movements. In core-strengthening mainly the stomach gut,
Kick-boxing: Sanya must have had a good practise of kickboxing as the high kicks and swift moments don't look easy. The calves, thighs and the entire legs are affected in these exercises.
Boxing: For building the strength of arms and hands, boxing is an essential exercise. Arm strength as well the entire body's strength is tested in this form of exercise.
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In yet another video, Sanya Malhotra was trying freestyle fitness exercises in a gym studio. Her one-leg balancing was neat and showed her dedication, skill, and practice to get to perfection. She wore a white sports bra with cobalt blue cycling tights.
The actress also showcased some kickboxing and boxing skills as she practiced with a trainer at an open space with gloves. She wore a black bralette and cycling shorts while practising her skills.
She looks in top form as she trains for the action scenes.
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