It's not every day that Ranveer Singh posts a post-workout picture. But when he does, the actor sends us on a guilt trip for wasting our gym membership. The actor followed a strict regime when he was gearing up for his character Rocky Randhawa in the much-awaited film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. Ahead of the Vadodara promotions, he dropped a shirtless picture of him, highlighting his chiselled abs. Dishing out some “Monday Motivashiun” to his fans, the actor channelled his inner Rocky for this mirror selfie. He was seen wearing metallic gold trousers, big black sunglasses and a matching gold bracelet. He also added the text along with the picture that read, “Hai Bebz. Rocky Randhawa this side.”
(Also Read: Ranveer Singh And Alia Bhatt's Colourblocked Pullovers Stylishly "Made It On Time" For The What Jhumka Drop)
This hasn't been the first time that Ranveer teased us with his goal-worthy abs. Remember the time when he confessed that he “had to give up malpuas” to build this physique? Well, we are still trying to get over it. The actor shared a picture of himself with his six-pack.
We have one more golden photo. This one captured the actor flexing his biceps in the gym. Singh, in his signature vest, is seen weight training.
Okay, we confess that we are obsessed with Ranveer 's washboard abs. But it's not just us who are obsessed with it, Ranveer himself can't stop posing in shirtless pictures. Yet another monochrome picture showed him standing in his gym, with his hands on his waist.
Ranveer Singh's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani will release on July 28. Alia Bhatt is also part of the film.