Bollywood fitness enthusiasts stop at nothing to achieve the perfect physique. Recently, Vidya Malavade has been giving us glimpses into her fitness routine and we are taking notes. The actress has always treated us with a good dose of fitness and of late, she has been serving us with back-to-back workout sessions. In a recent Instagram update, the actress treated us with a power-packed workout Monday motivation. In a video shared on Instagram stories, Vidya was seen indulging in a solid bicep workout as she did bicep press using a machine. It is a great way to tone the arms and improve muscle movement. It also helps to build strength in the upper arm.
Also Read: Follow Vidya Malavade's Baby Core Yoga Asana Pose To Improve Your Core Strength
A training routine that is practical and effective is just what we all need and Vidya Malavade will inspire you to elevate your workout game just in time. The actress has been a hardcore fitness enthusiast at heart and her on-point game never fails to impress. Previously, the actress nailed the Side crow pose, also known as Parsva Bakasana. To attain the right posture, she twisted her body in a way so it could be balanced on just the arms. This yoga pose stretches the body, thereby opening muscles and allows better movement. It also helps to improve the core strength.
Also Read: Throwback To Vidya Malavade Demonstrating This Yoga Asana For "Weight Loss And Strength Building"
CommentsVidya Malvade's fitness game is motivating enough for us to hit the gym right away